Make Your Van Life Dreams a Reality with my Complete Van Life Prep Pack
Choose your van, downsize your house, get your essentials in order and start living the van life!
Here's What You'll Find Inside:

Here's what's included with the 42-page Van Life Prep Pack

Help with Downsizing Your House

Get downsizing tips and use these checklists to go through each room of your house. Getting rid of stuff never felt this easy!

Find Your Perfect Campervan

Learn about the various types of campervans, where to buy one and a place to write down your favorites.

Make Sure You Have the Right Gear 

Five pages of recommended gear for a campervan, plus a worksheet where you can write down your essential items.

Keep Your Goals on Track 

Print out this 12-month calendar to make sure you're reaching your goals.

PLUS Van Living Bonuses!

Order today, and add these three bonuses on at no charge! 

15 Van Life Meals!

Not sure what to cook in your van? Grab these ideas!

5 breakfasts

5 lunches

5 dinners

10 snacks

You can only get this bonus here! 

Van Build Cost and Insurance Tracker

Get the exact spreadsheet I used to track costs for my van build - something my insurance company required.

Simple Google sheet spreadsheet

Van build costs

Van build personal articles 

Van Life Expense and Income Tracker

Figure out your van life budget with this simple van life expense and income tracker.

Common van life expenses

Revenue tracker 

Receipt tracker 

What Others are Saying about the Van Life Prep Pack!
"The Preparing for Van Life Binder is a great tool!"

The binder gave me lots of things to think about prior to VAN life. Although I've been an avid camper since I was a baby I want the ability to travel while camping. This binder is helping me to make Van Life plausible. Thank you Kristin!


"The binder and bonuses are wonderful!"

What I love the most is that items can be arranged in a way that best fits my unique goals. I have also inserted my own blank pages strategically to create a custom vanlife guide & journal.


Why I created the Preparing for Van Life Binder
Kristin Hanes, Publisher The Wayward Home

Hi! I've been living in a campervan for four years and know how difficult the transition can be. From getting rid of stuff, to choosing the right van, to outfitting that van and adjusting to a huge change in your lifestyle. I hope the Van Life Prep Pack helps ease you into a new life of freedom, adventure and possibility. 

Here's everything you're getting instantly...

The Van Life Prep Pack: Planning worksheets, detailed information, van life essentials list and 12-month calendar to streamline your van life dreams

Downsizing Tips & Checklist: Tips to help you downsize with ease, plus room-by-room checklists so you can take action on getting rid of stuff

Choosing a Van WorkSheets: Learn about types of vans, where to buy a van, and track your top van choices

Bonus #1: 15 Van Life Meals to get you started with cooking on the road

Bonus #2: A Van Life Build and Cost tracker so you have a detailed recod of what you put in your van

Bonus #3: An Income and Expense Tracker so you can start planning your budget on the road

Get Everything For Only $12
"Thank you for everything; you've honestly changed the course of my future and made me believe I can do this." - Darcy
"Thanks so much for being a friend and helping me through my tough times to this glorious freedom and happiness I have today." - Donna
"I love the Van Life Binder. This has helped me to get a lot of information together and all in one place. I love that I can print it and I can fill it out on my IPad. This has really helped me in my over-busy life right now." - Lucinda
Complete Your Order And Download Instantly!

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Add Van Life 101: Your Complete Guide to Life on the Road

Special one-time offer, only $7!
How to choose the right van for your lifestyle Van life costs and expenses to expect
Where to safely park and sleep
How to handle bathrooms, showers
How to get mail, packages & prescriptions
Internet, power & working remotely
Safety, security & dealing with breakdowns
And more!

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Complete Van Life Prep Pack$12

All prices in USD